Pictures from our 61st reunion playing our 60th high school reunion.

We had so much fun at the last reunion we are having another one June 27th in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Location is the Backstage Bar & Grill starting at 2: 00 PM and jammimg until ? J. Harrison B. Wisconsin Band at reunion on you tube.
On June 22 J. Harrison B. & the Bumbles played their own high school reunion. Then on Sunday the 23rd JHB played their 51st combo reunion, both in Fremont, NB. Everyone had a fantastic time. We had members from all over the United States. Fun was had by all!!! Enjoy the pictures.
One of my favorites pictures of the original J. Harrison B. & the Bumbles. September, 1965

Clockwise from left, Ed Heine, Quinn Kulhanek, Stan Johnson, Mike “Pinky” Semrad & Mike Klingner